Fever 🤢🤮🤧🤒 and some interesting stuff about animation

So I have a fever for a few weeks and now slowly recovering. I have been trying to push on with work but the doctor said I needed to rest. So I have been doing some light research on what to do next. I went particularly on Game Maker's Toolkit youtube channel by Mark Brown where he describes what makes a game so special and why. He analyses various games and makes recommendations for design ideas and improvements. It's not directly related to my research topic but it has very useful animation tips that could make things special.

One particular video talks about developers including Shigeru Miyamoto, who spent months just focusing on the animation of Mario before he actually layed out the levels or the environment. https://youtu.be/216_5nu4aVQ

This actually made me think about the behind the scenes videos from Ori and the Blind Forest Definitive Edition. The developers also approached things in a similar way whereby they made 2D animations of a square box, representing Ori, to ensure the animation was smooth and flowed well. Later, they then added Ori and kept testing the animation and mechanics until they were happy with it.
Ori and the Blind Forest- Behind the scene interaction concept. 
I realised that developers spend a lot of time refining these character animations until something new and unique emerges.


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