Vertex Paint Flow map and flow map visualisation
There aren't many tutorials to go with when it comes to Vertex painting Flow maps. I was going to use the concepts that are in UnrealSimon's Flow map Tutorial: But luckily I found one tutorial by TharleVFX which uses more or less the same process as the flow map texture technique in Unreal Simon's tutorial but uses vertex painting the way I want it: . I also wanted a way to visualise the Flow map and distortion of the water system. It can be difficult to see in different lighting conditions especially with the unlit water system I have made. I remembered an old twitter post by H.Kudo: Flowmap Fields Visualizer UE4でフローマップの流れを可視化してみる フローマップはFusion 9で作成 ※音がでます Visualize Flowmap Fields in UE4 Generated Flowmaps in Fusion 9 #UE4 #Fusion9 #RealTime #DataVisualization #indiedev — h.Kudo (@_KudoHiroyuki) July 1, 2018 I really like how h...