Blender 2.8 afterthoughts

So I've been learning about Blender in the past week using tutorials from Blender themselves, Dallas Doan Maya to Blender tutorials ( and skimming through  one of  the Udemy tutorials (Blender 2.8 for beginners - Sword creation):

There are a few things that are annoying about Blender and that is the UV Editor and 3D Cursor. The 3D Cursor comes in the way when modelling and the UV editor lacks in certain features like visualizing flipped faces. Although there is a workaround with an addon called Magic UV but it's not a great solution since I have to manually keep clicking on a button to update the colours of the flipped UVs,  Maya wins in this area.  As for the 3D Cursor, I was able to make an addon in my spare time as previously mentioned in an earlier post.

Also, Ubisoft, a Triple A studio, have announced that they have switched to  Blender: Plus, Epic games have also made a Mega grant donation to Blender. As it seems to be growing rapidly, who knows Blender might become the industry standard.
Blender Development fund page: 
Anyway, I'm now using Blender 2.8 as part of my main workflow for the Project. I'll still use Maya here and there for certain tasks I do not know about like cleaning up non-manifold geometry.


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