Gerstner Wave Livestream
I was watching the Gerstner Wave Livestream but there a few things that are worth noting down but I forgot what they were. So I went through it again and at the same time I created the material and made Notes.
Here are the notes made:
- Mentions that Wavelength (L) and Speed (S) could be related to each other based on physics/gravity? livestream vaguely mentions this. Might be worth looking into. Time: 41:50
- Some people divide the Gerstner Waves by the number of Gerstner Waves used for a nicer result. Time:51:30
- Uses Screen Space Normals which is expensive. Requires turning off tangent space in details panel of the material to set it to world space. Time:52:20
- Says there is a way to do Tangent Space Normal (Cheaper) but does not cover this using Cosine but he sticks to Screen Space Normal. Time:53:40
- This is not related to the Gerstner Wave but mentions "Texture Bombing" to break up tiling. Might be still worth learning about for general purposes. Time1:05:10
- Mentions a way to control Steepness (Q) based on the Amplitude (A). Time: 1:42:40
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