Gerstner Wave Livestream

I was watching the Gerstner Wave Livestream but there a few things that are worth noting down but I forgot what they were. So I went through it again and at the same time I created the material and made Notes.

Here are the notes made:

  • Mentions that Wavelength (L) and Speed (S) could be related to each other based on physics/gravity? livestream vaguely mentions this. Might be worth looking into. Time: 41:50
  • Some people divide the Gerstner Waves by the number of Gerstner Waves used for a nicer result. Time:51:30
  • Uses Screen Space Normals which is expensive. Requires turning off tangent space in details panel of the material to set it to world space. Time:52:20
  • Says there is a way to do Tangent Space Normal (Cheaper) but does not cover this using Cosine but he sticks to Screen Space Normal. Time:53:40
  • This is not related to the Gerstner Wave but mentions "Texture Bombing" to break up tiling. Might be still worth learning about for general purposes. Time1:05:10
  • Mentions a way to control Steepness (Q) based on the Amplitude (A). Time: 1:42:40
There's a lot of interesting things that could be added. I'm particularly very interested in creating the Tangent Space Normals and Texture Bombing. Although texture bombing is off-topic from the Gerstner wave, it might be really useful for material creation in general. Especially for breaking up the repeating patterns of the texture. As for other features such as linking parameters together, those may or may not be added depending on the time I have.


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