All Static Mesh Complete

Here are all the static assets I intend to use to create the Environment:

All the static assets ready to be turned into an environment.
I'll probably add one more asset such as the grass if I get the time but this is more or less everything I intend to use.

I also imported the Heat Distortion post-process I made back in 3rd year. I remembered learning this from the old UDK documentation which was one of the reasons that got me interested into materials:

Although it's a pretty old technique, it still makes a pretty good effect to this day.

I have textured the Dungeon Entrance and the palm trees with Substance Painter. For the Dungeon Entrance, I have set up the material the same way as the rocks so it will have all the same features like terrain blending, sand and moss etc.

I decided to change the sand again. I wasn't satisfied with the way it looks. The sand seemed to look wet. I might go back to the previous version (Again, thanks to Git I can experiment without worrying).  I'll keep playing around with the values to get something I like. Maybe I can do something with the post-process as that tends to do half the work visually. However, this isn't the final version though.


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