Bottled Fluid simulation Bug - Solved!

After extensive testing and various debugging methods, I finally figured out where the problem is.  The clamp node I had didn’t allow negative values. However, whenever I enabled negative values and tested the bottle, the sine movement wasn’t working. It turns out  that I was moving the bottle through a small distance which meant the negative values were cancelling each other out thus making the sine very subtle. I didn’t see this until I finally moved the bottle at a larger distance. The Finterp Node was also the main culprit as it really hard to notice the problem and the interpolation speed was slow. Now, I need some sort of multiplier that would make the interpolation speed faster for shorter distances and slower for longer distances. Here is the screenshot with new changes:

This creates another problem- the sine motion goes crazy for physics based bottles with the newly implemented interpolation speeds for the Finterp Node. Physics based bottles worked fine with  the interpolation speed at default 1 for the Finterp Node.  Therefore, I added a Select float node to decide which interpolation method to use based on the physics boolean.


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