Fluid Surface Project

Before i could begin making the dynamic water simulation, I needed to wrap my head around render targets. It seems to be that render target is something that has been added to UE4.  I've been following a tutorial from the UE4 documentation on ‘Creating a Height Field Painter with Blueprints and Render Targets’: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/Rendering/RenderTargets/BlueprintRenderTargets/HowTo/HeightFieldPainter

Heightfield Painter in action

After creating this i then moved onto the tutorial on how to ‘Create a Fluid surface with Blueprints and Render Targets’: https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-us/Engine/Rendering/RenderTargets/BlueprintRenderTargets/HowTo/FluidSurface

However, the problem with this tutorial is that it became confusing as it tells you to create variables from the Heightfield tutorial and skipped a lot of information. So I used information from the content examples project for some assistance in creating the fluid surface. I deconstructed and studied what each node was doing in the materials and blueprint.  Also figured out how it affected the whole fluid simulation.

Fluid surface simulation in action

After completing all this, I noticed many limitations to this method and found different methods I can use to improve this further and add many new features to make my own fluid surface. Hopefully, I will soon be planning and adding them.


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