Water System Reflection (I mean thinking not actual mirror reflection)

I was advised that I needed to add some kind of 'box' to work with when creating the fluid simulation. There are a lot of new features I can constantly keep adding but this could lead to spending too much time on one aspect when I need to be exploring other methods. I was initially going to make the ultimate water system (Mwahaha!) but I need some point where I can call it done. I need to look at some games I really like and base my fluid simulation on those games. So here are the games I really like the water systems in and why:

Zelda Breath of the Wild - The water system in this game can reach out and influence other aspects of the game such as making certain objects have buoyancy, get manipulated by weather- water dissipation and many other aspects . Also known as being systemic as mentioned by Mark Brown from Game Maker's Toolkit: https://youtu.be/SnpAAX9CkIc. However, you cannot swim underwater like the previous Legend of Zelda games.
Water Dissipation in Zelda Breath of the Wild. Screenshot by hamptonwooster:

Ori and the Blind Forest - I really liked the water systems in Ori and the Blind Forest where the water reacts to the objects and characters and creates a ripple.  Rayman Origins and Legends also have this sort of reactive water systems but I really liked the water system in Ori and the Blind Forest.
Water from Ori and the Blind Forest

Rime - At the beginning of this game I really liked the vibrant colours and I would like to replicate and understand this sort of water system. I really like the stylized approach they have taken.

Image result for rime water
Water in Rime
Sea of thieves - This is another systemic water system where it is being influenced by weather. When it rains or becomes stormy the water becomes violent. It gives buoyancy to the ships too.
Water in Sea of Thieves. Full video by IGN Here:
Journey - Journey doesn’t have fluid simulation but the sand in the desert does emulate the motion of fluid especially in the level called the Descent.

Journey part 4 the Descent - Video By IGN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxza4W9f69M


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